Meeting Room Reservation
The primary purpose of the meeting rooms of the Huron County Community Library is to provide space for library-related activities. The needs of the Library will take precedence. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any meeting.
When not required for library-related programs, other groups may use the Meeting Rooms subject to the following regulations:
1. Availability & Use: Meeting rooms are available during regular library business hours, Monday through Saturday, subject to the stipulations below, to educational, recreational, cultural, civic, social, religious, professional, or other non-profit organizations, or to persons volunteering as tutors for the benefit of the people of the system’s service area.
The meeting rooms are not available to non-library groups or individuals for the promotion or sales of services or products, active fundraising, political endeavors, or for conducting classes for profit. Businesses may use the meeting rooms for interviewing or training purposes only. No use of a meeting room shall be permitted or allowed to continue, that disturbs the library’s primary functions and operations.
No admission or attendance charge or required donation may be assessed by any non-library group using a meeting room. Groups using the meeting room shall vacate the room at the time stated on their “Meeting Room Application and Agreement.” Rooms may be available before or after hours by special permission of the director, branch librarian, or designee.
The Library may permit presenters at library-sponsored programs to sell merchandise related to the subject or activity of their programs. The Library will grant this permission either to reduce the cost of the program to the Library or to raise funds for the Friends. Likewise, a library-sponsored program may have a registration charge to defray or reduce the cost of the program to the Library.
2. Scheduling Room Use: The director or designee must approve all reservations. A representative of the group should complete and sign a “Meeting Room Application and Agreement” prior to the meeting date. (See item 7). A group that does not vacate by the time stated on the “agreement” may incur a fee of $10 per hour, or any part of an hour, unless they made arrangements for the extra time before their meeting started. A group using a meeting room more than once for the same purpose need only complete the “agreement” annually; a copy of the completed “agreement” will be kept on file at the Library.
3. Food/Beverages: Refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms, but are restricted to the meeting room and are not permitted in other parts of the library except during library-sponsored events. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. The Library does not provide food or beverage services. The group serving refreshments is responsible for providing all serving utensils.
4. Room Setup: Groups are responsible for setting up the meeting room to suit their needs including arranging the chairs, tables, and other equipment. They are responsible for returning the room to its original state following the conclusion of their meeting. It is highly recommended that users provide their own audio-visual equipment when possible. The Library has very limited audio-visual equipment available, cannot provide staff to operate equipment, and cannot guarantee the operation of the equipment that might be made available. If equipment is available from the Library, users are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the operation of the equipment in advance of the meeting.
5. Damages/Cleanup: The group using the meeting room is responsible for cleaning up following its meeting, including the removal of any accumulated trash. Any expense incurred by the library because of damage to the library building or groups, or to library equipment, or because of excess cleanup costs will be charged to the group. The person signing the “Application agreement” will be billed and will assume responsibility for payment of those charges.
6. Cancelation Policy: The Library reserves the right to cancel or suspend permission to use meeting rooms granted to any group or organization violating these rules and regulations or for any other reasonable reason, including the need to schedule the Meeting Room for library-related functions. The group reserving the meeting room is responsible for notifying the Library in a timely manner in the event of a cancel.
7. Application Form: A “Meeting Room Application and Agreement” must be completed by an adult, age 18 or older, representing the organization requesting use of the room, before a Meeting Room will be reserved. The person completing the form must remain in attendance throughout the meeting and will be responsible for the conduct of the group and for any loss or damage to library property and/or equipment, as well as for excess cleanup costs. The number of people in attendance must be reported for statistical purposes.
8. Key: The key to the meeting room/Annex must be returned to the library. If they library is closed, the key is to be put in the Book Drop found at the corner of the building near the library entrance. Lost keys will require locks to be rekeyed at $75.00 per door.
9. Rooms Available: Willard conference room seats 50 auditorium style or 36 with tables; Willard Annex seats 55 auditorium style or 36 with tables; Greenwich program room seats 20 auditorium style or 16 with tables; Wakeman meeting room seats 74 auditorium style or 50 with tables (Wakeman and Willard have a kitchenette available).
Willard Memorial Library
6 W. Emerald St.
Willard, OH 44890
Phone: 419-933-8564
Fax: 419-933-4783
Wakeman Community Library
33 Pleasant St.
Wakeman, OH 44890
Phone: 440-839-2976
Fax: 440-839-2560
Greenwich Public Library
4 New St.
Greenwich, OH 44837
Phone: 419-752-7331
Fax: 419-752-6801
Disclaimer: The Huron County Community Library Board of Trustees and the staff of the Library do not endorse or approve of any group applying to use library Meeting Rooms. The Board makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any non-library event held by any person or group using the library facilities pursuant to the Library’s Meeting Room Rules and Regulations.
Furthermore, the Library, trustees, and staff shall be held harmless for any damages or injuries to persons or property caused by the group or organization’s use of the Library Facilities.
*A copy of the forgoing Disclaimer must be included in any advertising disseminated by the person or group using a library Meeting Room.