Internet policy

Access & Acceptable Use of Technology

It is understood by users of the Internet that most of the information available is not generated by the Library. The Library through OPLIN provides access to reference databases of general and special periodic materials, reader’s advisory searches, homework centers to assist students with research assignments, and legislative, historical, and archival materials and information.  Information available through the Internet is not warranted by the Library to be accurate, authoritative, factual, or complete. The availability of networked information via the Library system does not constitute any endorsement or ratification of that information. The Library and OPLIN is not responsible for the content of networked information available, including information posted through chat rooms or news groups. The use of the Internet to engage in any activity that constitutes violation of state, local, and /or federal laws is strictly prohibited. All users of this service agree to hold the Huron County Community Library and OPLIN harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities directly or indirectly relating to the use of the Internet, caused thereby or arising there from. In no event shall the Library have any liability for lost profits or for indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages or any liability to any third party, even if the Library or OPLIN is advised of the possibility of such damages.

Library Staff Assistance

Library staff cannot provide in-depth one-on-one training, except at scheduled times. Library staff may, however, offer searching suggestions and answer basic questions.

Limitation of Liability

All patrons who wish to use the Library’s Internet computer equipment are required to sign and date the following “Limitation of Liability”. The undersigned acknowledges that he or she has read, understands, and received a copy of the Huron County Community Library system’s “Patron Access to the Internet Policy”. The undersigned further acknowledges and agrees that the Huron County Community Library system assumes no liability for any loss or damage to the user’s data or for any damage or injury arising from invasion of privacy in the user’s accounts, programs, or files. Portable computer and mobile hotspot users further agree to pay for any damage that may occur to the device while in their use, particularly by dropping. If the portable computer is taken from the Library while in the signee’s possession they are responsible for the replacement cost of the device.


  1. A copy of this policy is posted.
  2. Patrons must sign this policy to be eligible for using the Internet computers. Patrons under the age of eighteen must have a parent or legal guardian co-sign this policy. Parents are encouraged to work closely with their children in selecting materials on the Internet that is consistent with personal and family values and boundaries.
  3. The Library computer is normally available, subject to periodic maintenance, to within fifteen minutes of library closing.
  4. Computers are available first come, first served. You may reserve one session on the computer up to two days in advance for up to one hour per day. Unreserved time may be available.
  5. The Internet computer will be used for educational, informational, and recreational purposes only, not for unauthorized, illegal, or unethical purposes.  Users may not send, receive, or display text or graphics that may reasonably be construed as sexually explicit, profane or violent. Unacceptable usage includes but is not limited to: harassment of others, libeling or slandering other users, disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications, unauthorized copying of copyrighted software and data, violation of computer system security, or violation of software license agreements.
  6. Respect the privacy of others by not misrepresenting yourself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
  7. Users may not download programs to the Library’s computers or change options and preferences set by the Library.
  8. The Library’s Internet computers have printing capability. The fee for copies is posted.
  9. You may not always be able to go to the places on the Internet you want to visit. The reasons may be, but are not limited to: too many visitors using the host computer; the database or resource is limited to a particular institution; the host computer has a different address or has closed down; or the Library’s OPLIN connection is temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties.
  10. Misuse of the Library’s computer or Internet access will result in a loss of computer privileges.
  11. Users of the Library’s portable computers (laptops, Netbooks, etc.) must follow all of the Internet rules.  Portable computers are for use in the Library only unless used for a staff instructed training session off site. Portable computers should not be left unattended.

Download the policy here:

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