Patron behavior policy

The Board of Trustees of the Huron County Community Library is responsible for determining the rules for behavior. The purpose of the rules for behavior are to protect the rights of individuals and Library employees to conduct library business without interference from other individuals; to provide a secure environment for individuals and Library employees that is conductive to the use of Library materials, services, facilities, and equipment; and to preserve Library materials and facilities from harm. The Director, as the Board’s designee, may exclude from the use of the Library any individual who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Board.

The rules for behavior in the Library are listed below, along with action that may be taken if these rules are violated.  Employees are authorized to bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission which will detract from the decorum of the Library. When deemed necessary to enforce Library rules, the police will be called for assistance.

  1. Any misconduct that disturbs individuals or employees, or that hinders the use of the Library or library materials is prohibited. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
    a.       Loud or boisterous behavior,
    b.       Conversation that is above an acceptable noise level or is disturbing to other individuals or employees,
    c.        Use of a personal electronic device at a level audible to others,
    d.       Using or parking bicycles, roller skates, skate boards, or other vehicles within the library building, or blocking its entrance,
    e.       Abusing Library furniture, equipment, materials, or buildings,
    f.       Running, skipping, etc. in the Library,
    g.       Harassing others, either by word or action; which may include initiating unwanted conversation, or impeding access to the building or an area of the building, etc.
  2. In each case, except if the person inflicts harm or is perceived as dangerous, the individual receives one warning, and at the second offense must leave the Library premises for the rest of the day.
  3. Fighting, physically or verbally is prohibited. Individuals involved must immediately leave the Library premises.
  4. Smoking is prohibited in the Library, as is the use of all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes. Items must be immediately disposed of in an appropriate manner.
  5. Food may be consumed in the library. All drinks must be in a container with a lid. Program refreshments and snacks provided by the library are permitted.
  6. No individual shall sleep in the library for an extended period of time.
  7. Bathing is prohibited on Library property. The individual will be warned that bathing is prohibited and asked to stop immediately. At a second offense, the individual must leave the Library premises for the rest of the day.
  8. Selling for profit or solicitation for charitable purposes is prohibited on Library property. The only exceptions are activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library. (See non-solicitation policy)
  9. The distribution of leaflets, brochures, etc. on the Library property is prohibited without permission from the Director or Branch Librarian. Community non-profit organizations, government agencies, schools and school organizations may submit literature to the administration for possible display in the information racks or on the community bulletin board, size limit 8.5” x 11”. Taking surveys, asking individuals to sign petitions, or similar activities are prohibited. The only exceptions are activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library. Individuals not associated with one of the groups listed may not display or distribute items. The individual attempting to distribute or display materials without permission will receive one warning, and at the second offense must leave the Library premises for the rest of the day. Staff will dispose of any unauthorized materials left in the Library.
  10. Animals, except service animals (as referred to in 28 Code of Federal Regulation Section 36.302(c)(1) and Ohio Revised Code Section 955.43), are not permitted in the Library.
  11. Patrons must be fully clothed to the satisfaction of the Huron County Community Library. Patrons lacking clothing may be asked to leave the library until they are appropriately clothed.
  12. An acceptable standard of personal hygiene is expected of all individuals. Unpleasant body odor, which may offend other individuals in the Library, is considered unacceptable. Mud or other dirt on shoes or clothing that leaves soil on the Library’s carpets or furniture is also unacceptable. An individual with an unacceptable standard of personal hygiene will be advised of the rule. At a second offense, the individual will be asked to leave the Library. An individual wearing dirty items that transfer dirt to carpets or furniture will be asked to leave the Library until appropriately clothed.
  13. Using profane, obscene, threatening, or abusive language is prohibited.
  14. Making racial, ethnic, religious, gender, or sexual orientation epithets is prohibited.
  15. Engaging in or soliciting a sexual act, or indecent exposure is prohibited.
  16. Taking photographs and/or recording videos of Library staff or patrons without their permission is prohibited.
  17. The Library is not responsible for unattended children. Children through age 5 must be under the direct supervision of a parent or other responsible caregiver in the Library, not a working staff person.  The Library recommends that a caregiver accompany all young children. (See Child Safety in the Library Policy).
  18. The Library reserves the right to limit the number of individuals who may sit together. Only one person may sit on a chair. The individuals receive one warning, and at the second offense, must leave the Library premises for the rest of the day.
  19. The Library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, etc. for Library materials. The Library is not responsible for personal property left unattended.
  20. Improper removal of Library materials is prohibited. Individuals found trying to leave the Library premises without properly checking out the materials must return the materials immediately and leave the Library premises. At a second offense, legal action may be taken. The rules and regulations are based on the Board’s powers under Ohio Statutory and Case Law to operate a public building.
  21. All federal, state, and local laws and ordinances must be obeyed while on Library property.

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