Collection development policy


The Huron County Community Library is a public library system with locations in Willard, Greenwich, North Fairfield, and Wakeman dedicated to providing materials, services, and information to promote lifelong learning.

The Huron County Community Library affirms the Freedom to Read statement made by the American Library Association, “…to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including that which is unorthodox or unpopular with the majority.”  Further, it is not in the public’s best interest for the library to predetermine what is good or bad for the citizen.  Therefore, the Library system shall provide materials and informational sources in a variety of formats that reflect a wide-range of viewpoints. 


The Library Board of Trustees has charged the Library Director with the final responsibility of selection.  The Library Director may delegate selection duties with senior staff members such as branch or assistant librarians. 

Materials, including but not limited to traditional books, ebooks, DVD, Blu-ray, electronic games, electronic devices and databases, etc. shall be selected by the library staff through the use of reviews in professional and popular library journals and literature. The Library will attempt to provide users with a well-balanced, up-to-date, attractive, entertaining and useful collection that meets the needs of the community.  Factors affecting material selection include format suitable for library purposes and the intended audience, available funds, availability of new materials on a given topic, and availability of replacements for worn but still necessary materials and available space.


  1. The availability and suitability of physical format for library purposes
  2. Suitability of subject, level and method of presentation for the intended audience
  3. Relationship to the existing collection
  4. Relevance to present and projected community needs and demands
  5. Competence and reputation of the author/director and/or publisher/producer
  6. Quality of writing, design, illustrations, or production, including awards received
  7. Availability and accessibility of the same material in the local area
  8. Effectiveness in sustaining the interest of users
  9. Structural soundness and expected shelf life
  10. Community popularity and customer demand
  11. Relevant to local PreK-12 educational  curriculum


Material gifts 

  1. All gifts must meet the above selection standards before they can become a part of the collection.
  2. The library reserves the right to dispense with gifts in any manner that it deems appropriate.  Gift materials may be re-directed to another branch within the system or placed in a book sale.
  3. Gifts, once accepted, become library property and will not be returned.
  4. The library reserves the right to withdraw gift materials from the collection under the collection maintenance section below. 


Memorial gifts

  1. Books requested by donor, specific titles or subjects only accepted if appropriate for the collection


1. Maintenance of the collection is an on-going process in order to keep it attractive, current, and of interest to users.

2. Materials which are no longer deemed necessary or appropriated for the collection shall   be discarded in accordance with professional library best practices.

3. Materials discarded because of loss or poor condition will be considered for replacement if they still meet selection criteria.

4. Discarded materials become surplus property and may be sold.  Items in very poor condition, or if it contains out-of-date information that could be considered detrimental to users, may be discarded by other means.


1. If a patron objects to the Library’s ownership of a particular item or items, the challenger will be offered the opportunity to complete a “Reconsideration of Library Material Form.”

2. The Library Director will then review the request and a recommendation will be formulated.  The challenger will be notified in writing of the recommendation within 30 days and a copy will be sent to the Library Board of Trustees.

3. If the challenger is not satisfied with the recommendation, written appeal must be made to the Library Board of Trustees within 30 days.  The appeal will be added to the next regularly scheduled meeting agenda, so long as the written appeal was received 7 days prior to the meeting date, otherwise it will be added to the following month’s regular meeting agenda.  The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month. 

4. A final determination will be made in writing to the challenger within 30 days of the Library Board of Trustee meeting where the appeal was heard.

5. The challenged material will remain in the collection until a determination is made.


Day 1

Reconsideration of library material submitted to library

Day 30

Director review challenge, respond in writing and notify Board of Trustees

Day 60

Written appeal to Board if challenger is unsatisfied with determination. Appeal Hearing added to Board Meeting Agenda when received 7 days or more before next meeting.

30 days after Appeal Hearing

Board response and final determination made in writing to challenger


Download the policy here: