The acclaimed Millennium Series created by Stieg Larsson continues with Lagercrantz's second entry into the world of notorious hacker extraordinaire, Lisbeth Salander. Salander finds herself serving a short prison sentence when she refuses to come to her own defense against what amounts to some trumped up charges. She's biding her time while gathering information on the organization that wreaked havoc on her childhood, The Registry. When it comes to light that a trusted old friend, of whom she has few, is in danger resulting from information he has about her past, Salander goes on the offfensive. There is a lot of backstory about The Registry and their "research" on twins. A Lot of Backstory. In fact, the cover of the book says this is a Lisbeth Salander novel, but I felt that Lisbeth was barely present. I thought Lagercrantz did an admirable job with his first Salander novel, " The Girl in the Spider's Web", but I found this one lacking - in energy, excitement and Salander's brand of kick-ass action.