Board of Trustees

Leann Palm, President;

Jan Tkach, Vice President;

Sue Loper, Secretary

Denise Frye

Cathi Twaddle

Margo Barnett

Katie Miller

Public Comment:

The Huron County Community Library Board of Trustee meetings reserve a time for public comment at all Board meetings.  In order to conclude Board business in a timely manner, the public participation time this is the only time during a board meeting that the public may contribute to the meeting.  Public comments will be limited to five minutes with only one representative of each group or individual to participate.  The Board accepts comments, but may not respond to them, preferring instead to consider them at another time.  No decision will be made about public comments until all sides of an issue have been thoroughly investigated by the Board.

Each person wishing to make comment to the Board should contact the Director in writing one week in advance providing their name, address, group affiliation (if appropriate) and topic for inclusion in the official record of the Board.  The minutes of the Board will reflect the comments made by members of the public. (Board Bylaws Article 8 section H)

Confidentiality Statement:

The Huron County Community Library, its Branches, and the Board of Trustees comply with the “Releasing library record or patron information” (In accordance with Ohio law ORC 149.432).

The Huron County Community Library (with locations in Willard, Greenwich, North Fairfield and Wakeman) conducts monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am.  

Below are the dates and location of the regular monthly meetings for 2025.

February 18 (Willard)

March 18 (Willard)

April 15 (Willard)

May 20 (Willard)

June 17 (Greenwich)

July 15 (North Fairfield)

August 19 (Wakeman)

September 16 (Willard)

October 21 (Willard)

November 18 (Willard)

December 16 (Willard)



Posted 1-22-2025