A premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America's military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents
At GoodCall, we believe that the best decisions are backed by data. Moreover, we believe that data should be free, transparent and easy to understand.
An index to over 3,000,000 obituaries, death & marriage notices & other sources from Ohio from the 1810s to the present day.
Lynda.com has more than 6,600 courses, ranging from computer programming to project management including instruction on various computer software, programming languages, and business topics.
Designed specifically for high school libraries, the MAS Ultra – School Edition database contains full text for nearly 500 popular, high school magazines.
This multidisciplinary database provides full text for periodicals, reference books, and primary source documents on a range of subject areas, as well as large collection of photos, maps, and flags.
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
Middle Search Plus provides full text articles for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines as well as thousands of biographies and historical essays.
Get voting information, register to vote, change personal information and more.
NASA now has a easily searchable database of their Images, Videos, and Audio files.
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 U.S. and international newspapers, as well as selective full text for 389 regional U.S. newspapers.
The Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS), led by Robert Blair, is committed to providing quality centralized services, specialized support and innovative solutions to state agencies, bo