Library Materials and COVID-19

Questioning minds want to know about the returning of materials, late fees, and quarantining of items that were borrowed from the Huron County Community Library.  As if the novel coronavirus has not already upset so many areas of our lives, now there is confusion about materials that have been borrowed from the library.

Items borrowed from any of our four branches, in Greenwich, North Fairfield, Wakeman, or Willard should be returned on or before their due date, explained library director Laura Lee Wilson, to avoid fines charged to your account for overdue items.  However, because of COVID-19, we are quarantining items for five days to reduce the spread of germs.  Eventually, when items are taken from quarantine and checked in, they are back dated to the day they were received in the book drop.   Therefore, patrons will notice returned items still on their accounts until after the 5 days of quarantine.  No fines will be levied for items that are returned to the book drop on time.  

We know it is a bit confusing to our patrons, and many have asked about the items still appearing on their accounts, but we are taking every precaution to not lend materials that may have been exposed to the virus, Wilson further stated. 

Additionally, people will notice when they visit the library that they are asking patrons to use hand sanitizer as they enter and exit the building.  There are designated carts and tables set up in the library to place materials after they have been handled.  Library staff will quarantine or sanitize those items before they are returned to the shelves.

Like other businesses, the library is following all state and local preventive measures and social distancing guidelines.   Learn more regarding library services and programming at or connect on Facebook or Instagram.
