History - Celeryville by William Daniels with help of Ken Moll
History - Celeryville by William Daniels with help of Ken Moll
History - Celeryville by William Daniels with help of Ken Moll
Outer cover of Pass Book with picture of Earnest (Buck) Weaver
Great Lakes Expo Pass book for workers at Cleve. Centennial 36
St. Engine & 13 Railroaders working at Great Lakes Expo. 1936
B & O Engine # 4479 Mikado type Eng. - later named McCarther Type
Antique Tooth Extractor belonged to Dr. McKenny Dentist 1880-1890
E U B Church on corner Pearl & Park Sts. ca 1920
Ash pit for dumping fires & ash pans into water, then in cars
SN&M Railway car jumped the track at Myrtle & Tiffin. 1916-18