Submitted by Betty Wilson on
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book cover of "The Arctic Fury" by Greer Macallister

The year is 1853.  Lady Jane Franklin wants to know what happened to her husband, Lord Franklin, who never returned from an ill-fated expedition to the Arctic.  After several failed attempts, she tries a new tactic.  She hires women, to be led by Virginia Reeve, who until recently was helping settlers find their way west.  Thirteen women head north, over land and sea, determined to find some evidence of what fate Lord Franklin's party met.  But all thirteen don't make it home and now Virginia finds herself facing a murder charge. This story should have broad appeal; it's an adventure story, historical fiction, courtroom drama, women's fiction and inspirational.  While the writing may be rather staid, the story is interesting and Macallister does pull off a couple of surprises.