Submitted by Betty Wilson on
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book cover of "Hairpin Bridge" by Taylor Adams

Lena Nguyen drives from Seattle to Missoula, Montana, to the bridge where her twin sister, Cambry, ended her life by jumping.  Supposedly.  Lena and Cambry weren't close, but the bond between twins can defy explanation and Lena is sure that Cambry would never have committed suicide.  Lena is going to the bridge to meet the police officer who found Cambry.  Oddly enough, the same officer who had pulled her over several hours earlier.  Lena is determined to find out the truth about what happened to Cambry and is prepared to go to any lengths to get it.  A riveting read.  With intricate plotting, rapid-fire change of perspective, shocking ferocity and unrelenting suspense, this one will keep you up well into the night.